
4 Things That Fix False Belief of SARMs as Safe Steroid

SARMs or selective androgen receptor modulator is believed as a new supplement to build muscles and gain strength. People even say that this product is a steroid alternative that is safer than the anabolic steroid. Read the information below before using this product to support your workout.

The Overview of SARMs

Some people use SARMs because this product works by binding to the androgen receptors. It affects the DNA. The significant impact of using this product is that your muscle mass grows significantly more than before.
So, what is the difference between SARMs and anabolic steroids? The difference is in the way the compounds choose the tissues. Like the name, SARMs choose specific tissue without affecting other non-targeted tissues.
Users can consume SARMs orally, whereas anabolic steroid has to be injected through the skin. The problem is that SARMs are not for human use. James T Dalton as the founder of SARMs used this product for treating prostate cancer.

The next research found that this product also has a remarkable effect on muscle growth. It is the health side effect that makes the FDA doesn’t approve this product as a drug, food, or cosmetic.

The Cases Related to SARMs

Some people still use SARMs even after the FDA announces that it is not for human use. People love to use this product due to its effects on their muscles and stamina. That’s why SAMRs are popular among athletes.

The fans of the Florida Gators will know about Will Grier. He is a football quarterback on this team. In 2015, Grier was tested positive for Ligandrol, although the University of Florida denied it. In 2017, a Chicago Bulls player, Joakim Noah was also tested positive for Ligandrol.

The NBA took this case very seriously. As a result, Noah was banned for twenty games by the NBA. The case has also happened in Mixed Martial Art. Sean O’Malley, an MMA artist who competes in the Bantamweight division was also tested positive for Enobosarm.

Due to this case, the Nevada State Athletic Commission decided to temporarily suspend him. As a result, O’Malley failed to fight against Marlon Vera at UFC 239 in Las Vegas in July 2019. A tennis player, Beatriz Haddad Maia from Brazil got the same case.

In July 2019, she was tested positive for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators. Like other athletes involved in this case, Maia was also suspended. Shayma Jack was another athlete who also got this drug case. This Australian swimmer was tested positive for Ligandrol.As a result, he had to withdraw from the national squad and failed to join the World Championships in Gwangju, South Korea in July 2019. The cases above show that SARMs are not allowed for human use even for athletes.

The Effects of SARMs

People believe that SARMs can selectively target the androgen receptor in different tissues. The truth is that this product is still producing androgenic effects in tissues. Most people who use SARMs or steroids often suffer from the prostate gland.

Remember! This product is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The agency explains that SARMs can lead to serious health problems, especially liver toxicity, heart attacks, and strokes. The long-term effects of using SARMs are unknown yet.
The thing to consider is that you don’t know what you are putting in the body. Even if some researchers use this product in humans, the status is still on trial and under investigation.

The Possibility to Find SARMs Out There

Indeed, you can find some stores that offer SARMs for sale. The stores are allowed to sell this product as long as they inform that SARMs are not for human use. Melanotan Express is one of the online stores that offer SARMs.

This store even sells a variety of SARMs. The store offers the products for laboratory research only and not for human use. Buyers can read this information on the label on the bottle. It means that the store is not responsible if buyers use this product for humans.This store offers Anaztrozole, Avanafil, Clomiphene, Clenbuterol, Dapoxetine, Finasteride, and many more. All of them are in the form of a 300 ml bottle. The dosage varies, such as 0.5mg/ml, 5mg/ml, 25mg/ml, 10mg/ml, and others.

You can read the description on the label. The points in the description are including the unit size per ml, molecular weight, molecular formula, the color of the liquid, the physical form, and the way to store the product. This store is offering SARMs from the best SARM company. The company produces this product with a high standard for accurate laboratory research only.

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