Apps and Software Technology

These 9 Reasons Ensure You to Hire .NET Developers at Chudovo

Finding a software development team is challenging and takes time. At the same time, your company needs to finish the software immediately. Hiring a software development team is one of the best solutions your company can do.

Nowadays, finding certified software developers is much easier. Chudovo is one of the trusted services that facilitate companies with skillful developers. Before that, learn why you should hire software developers from this company below.

This Service Has Developers from A Variety of Backgrounds

This company has a team that consists of certified software developers from a variety of backgrounds. Most of them also have experience in this field for a few years by handling any company level from startups to big enterprises. Their skills, knowledge, and experience support them to achieve the best software products based on their clients’ needs. Indeed, they are also ready to develop software or apps from any industry.

Secure and Trusted

Due to the skill and experience, the IT development team tries to create a secure software product. The products are not only safe to use but also effective to help companies to grow. They also support the software products with the latest security system and encryption to ensure that no one can use them except their clients.

Easy to Use

Only because the team is certified developers doesn’t mean that they always create sophisticated software. The team works based on the standard project development stages. It means that they will research and create planning on the software development they are about to do.
Research means to know the company that will use the software. As a result, the software products will be easy to use for the clients. Clients can also test the software before deploying and using it on the company.

Set the Software Products Based on the Preferred Language

Some clients may not use English. They may be uncomfortable with software that uses English. The solution is creating a software product based on their preferred language. Clients can request the language of the software they want to create.

The development team from Chudovo can handle it. They even can create software and applications in multiple languages to accommodate companies with diverse employees. The idea is to ensure that all employees understand the details and how to use the software. As a result, the software will significantly improve their productivity.

Easy to Optimize

You would better be upgrading the technology regularly to follow the trend and improve the performance of the company. You don’t need to get confused about looking for another certified software development team. The team from Chudovo will handle it.

You only have to request an improvement, and you will get it. Thanks to the open-source framework this company uses. This system makes the software, apps, and other projects easy to optimize anytime clients want.

Easy to Deploy

Imagine how long it takes to deploy a new software product or app when doing it without help from the experts. The process even can disrupt the working activity of the company. Chudovo tries to solve this problem by offering software products and apps that are easy to deploy.

The team will do the standard by applying any feature, such as private components, trusted code, safe applications, and many more. This service tries to ensure that the deployment process will not disrupt the activity in the company.


Best of all, Chudovo uses legal systems to ensure that the software, apps, website, and other products are safe to use. There will be no one claim on the products since the developers create them based on the legal terms and conditions.

Compatible with Other Systems

Indeed, you don’t have to replace all the systems in your company only because you want to upgrade them. The software developers from Chudovo create software products that are compatible with other systems. As a result, you can use the software with Linux, Mac, Windows, and others.

The more compatible the software, the more flexible to use to help the company. It is the reason why the team is always analyzing what their clients need before developing a software product.

A Group of Skillful Developers

Chudovo can handle a lot of software projects because they have 32 skillful software developers with over 700.000 hours of experience. Nowadays, the team has handled over 112 projects, and a way to go. Based on the experience hours, the developers have done so many things in creating software, websites, desktop applications, mobile applications, and others.
Now, you have enough reason why you should hire .NET developers to develop new software products in your company. The most important thing is that your company can run the software immediately and spend less money to finish the project.

Apps and Software Technology

6 Basic Things a Startup Should Consider to Get the Best .Net Software Developers

We can’t doubt that technology can improve a business significantly. It is the reason why most big companies invest in technology. They will use or create the latest software not only to support business activities but also to attract more customers.

Startups or small businesses can also apply this trick to gain more customers. If you can’t pay a developer yet, you can hire them. Chudovo facilitates you to meet the best software developers to hire. Here are the tips to hire the right software developers.


You should understand your project before finding people who will be involved in the project. It determines what kind of team you want to find. The more sophisticated the project, the more experienced the software developers you need.

Try to learn their educational backgrounds, skills, experiences, portfolio, and other relevant things. Ensure that their specifications match with the software project your company is about to do. Hiring the right software developers makes the development, marketing, and maintenance much easier because they understand what to do.

Ensure They are Understand What Do You Want and the Goal of the Project

Try to explain what you want and the goal of the project. If it is necessary, ask for their overview of your goals and software project. It is a perfect time to analyze whether the developer is credible enough for the project or not.

Remember! You are about to work with them for a few months. Ensure that you can communicate with your software developers well. Effective communication can also boost the software development process.

Hire Software Developers That Ever Handle A Startup

Handling software is a complicated matter even for a startup business. The process is much easier and more efficient if hiring software developers who have experience in handling a startup. The type of business to handle can be different, but at least they know an overview of what they should do to develop software for your small business.

Hire Software Developers Who Show Their Working Plan

Another benefit to explaining your software project is to trigger the software developers to create a working plan. It is also a way to understand whether they understand all the things to do to accomplish the project. A working plan is guidance for the software development team to finish the project on time.

Hire Software Developers from a Trusted Company

It takes time to hire an independent software developer. You still have to test them to know their skills and experiences. The process is even much more complicated because your business is still a startup with limited human resources.

Make the hiring process faster by looking for software developers from a trusted company. For example, you can find expert software developers from a variety of backgrounds, skills, and experience at Chudovo.
The process is faster and more efficient because the company knows what you are looking for to complete the software project. It is a place where expert developers gather and are ready to handle a variety of software projects.

Indeed, you shorten the hiring process. Expert developers mean that they are certified and have years of experience to develop software products. The faster you get the best software development team, the faster you can use the software to enhance the performance of your startup.

Hire from a Company that Has Developers from a Variety of Backgrounds
A professional company often has developers from a variety of backgrounds. It helps the company to accept a variety of software development projects. Chudovo.Net is one of the examples. This company has a team from a variety of backgrounds.

Nowadays, they are ready to handle enterprise software development, microservice development, web applications development, cloud software development, cross-platform application development, desktop app, and mobile app projects.

It is a great option in case you want to develop multiple platforms to grow your startup business significantly. At least, you don’t need to find developers from other companies because you find the solution in one company.

It is crucial for a startup company that often has a limited budget. The faster you finish the software, the faster you get profit from this development. Then, you can think about improving it to the next level regularly.

So, only because you are running a startup business doesn’t mean that you don’t need to improve the technology. It is even crucial to boost the business immediately. Software and apps help to manage a business well instead of doing everything manually. Chudovo .Net will help your startup company to grow by improving the software, apps, and technology. Better technology will improve the productivity of your company.

Apps and Software Artificial Intelligence Mobile Technology

9 Android Apps with Artificial Intelligence You Can Download for Free

Artificial Intelligence has an important role in devices, including Android apps. Nowadays, top major mobile application developers upgrade their Android apps with AI technology. Check the apps that are using Artificial Intelligence.


Cortana is a personal assistant app developed by Microsoft. As a personal assistance app, it helps to manage your schedules through your Android devices, including setting reminders, keeping notes, sending emails, and many more.

This app is even better with the use of Artificial Intelligence. Imagine that the system can set your schedules even if you don’t touch the phone. Cortana also has a sync feature, so you can manage your schedules on your smartphone and PC at the same time. As a result, you still get alerts from your PC even if you are far away from your smartphone.

The AI sends reminders based on time, places, or people. AI even helps Cortana to track teams, interests, and flight info. You will not miss your schedules and appointments because Cortana with AI will manage your digital calendar.

On the other hand, Cortana keeps you relaxed by turning on your favorite music, podcasts, and radio stations. Do you like to play a game via an Android device and get disturbed by chats? You don’t need to feel it anymore because of Cortana.

Cortana helps to manage your chats. The best part is that you can chat with friends while playing games without leaving the game screen. Cortana with AI is free to download.

Google Allo

Google Allo is an instant messaging app. This app can do a variety of basic tasks, including doodles, Google assistants, and gestures with stickers. So, what is the role of Artificial Intelligence in this app?

The AI improves the recognition capability into smart recognition. This feature detects your replying message style to reply to an email or message without touching your gadget at all. Google Allo has a variety of features, including creative text, emojis, and stickers, and restore the chat.

The chatting process is more interesting because you can create your sticker emoji. Just like Cortana, Google Allo is also free to download and use.


Do you need an assistant on your Android? If it is so, Hound is one of the most recommended Android apps with AI technology you can try. Artificial Intelligence improves the app with voice command detection.

Imagine that you can only use your voice to operate the app and get something from your gadget right away. The system works by recognizing the speech and language and turning it into text. Users can use Hound to find information about weather forecasts, the nearest restaurants, booking cabs, calculations, and many more.

The system can also detect your voice accurately. Travelers can also use this app to book a hotel. Music lovers will also get a benefit from this app because it helps to search, discover, and play music. It has a hands-free mode that will help you to call, text, and navigate more comfortably than before.

The best part is that you don’t need to spend your money at all only to download and use this app. Hound is free to download and use on Android devices.    


ELSA or English Language Speech Assistant for those who want to learn English. Artificial Intelligence helps to make learning English more fun. Users can improve their pronunciation to speak English fluently.

The AI keeps users track of their progress through a report. ELSA has updated curriculums based on your native language. You can fix your English pronunciation by learning from the over 2000 correctly pronounced English words.

The system gives instant feedback on every sound you make. Besides learning about pronunciation, this app also helps users who want to know more about common English idioms. Using this app is an alternative for learning English at an affordable price because you can download and use the features for free.


Virtual assistance has become one of the most popular apps nowadays. It helps Android users to text messages, calls, setting a reminder, GPS navigation, and others. The Robin with AI is great virtual assistance that can help to do common activities on your Android device.

This app will do the process accurately by having access to the group, calendars, and many more. Due to its integration with Google and Office 365 and Exchange, users get an update on traffic status, weather, local news, trending stories, and many more.

You will also get weekly usage reports, space usage, peak hours, and others. Managing your meeting schedule is much easier with Robin instead of doing it manually. It is also free to download. You can try this app to make your life a bit better and well-managed than before.


Socratic is a good app for students or other users who have difficulty with math questions. The developer develops this app with an AI to keep the result accurate. The developer also combines computer vision technologies to solve math questions faster, along with an instant explanation.

Socratic works by scanning the questions. So, you only have to take a picture of the math questions and upload them to the app. This app is not only helping you to answer the questions instantly but also giving a step-by-step explanation in the form of a video.

You can ask any math questions, including Algebra, geometry, trigonometry, biology, chemistry, physics, history, and literature. Learning math is more fun and affordable because it is free to download AI Android apps.   


Imagine if you have a chatbot AI companion. It sounds great, isn’t it? You can try and feel the sensation using Replika. As its name suggests, Replika tries to replicate someone who will be your friend. You can talk with this virtual character as you talk with your best friend.

AI technology helps to detect your needs. As a result, the replica can be your best friend, companion, or even mentor. It is also a free AI android app to download. It seems that your life will be a bit better because of this app.  


Databot works similarly to Replika. It means that you seem to have a robot in your pocket. With Artificial Intelligence, the Databot becomes your virtual assistance. Just like Replika, you can also ask your Databot to talk and ask questions.

The AI improves its capability to solve riddles, tell jokes, and do many entertaining things. The Databot also has several effective features, such as a feature to create attractive multimedia presentations using voice commands, text, and images.

There is also a feature to detect language, voice, and behavior. Just like your personal assistance, your Databot can also alert your schedules and search your contacts. This feature is available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, and Portuguese. The app is free to download with some options for in-app purchases.


Facebook also develops an app with AI technology known as FaceApp. It is a photo editing app where users can change their look, hairstyle, and even gender. This app can even do any editing that you can’t do with the manual editing process.

Thanks to the AI technology that makes the editing result look smooth and realistic. Users can find a perfect hairstyle, beard, or mustache. Then, they can use color filters, lens blur, and other tools before saving or sharing the editing result. It looks like one of the fun Android apps with AI technology to use, right?       

Apps and Software News Technology

5 Reasons Why Quiby Fail

Technology, especially smartphones nowadays already are daily food which is “edible” for any kind of group from children, teenagers, to adults. You can access any kind of information and entertainment just by touching the 2 inches monitor anywhere and anytime. Because of this fact, many kinds of entertainment industries including those who already have a channel on television begin to develop their platform for smartphone application. For example, Netflix, youtube, BBC, and even Disney which are classified as the giant industry in the entertainment field already do it. So does the newcomer company called Quiby to want, follow their way of success. This company already spent $ to develop this platform for providing short-timed streaming content and features where we can watch their contents from landscape or portrait position in full-screen mode. However, as we know expectation does not often get along with reality. After struggling for 6-8 months, this company falls to bankruptcy. Why did this failure happen? Here are the reasons :

  1. Bad Timing to Start

Quiby began to make their contents 1 week before New York shut down because of Covid-19. Of course, it would limit their own space and movement to content making based on government rule for preventing more transmission of that virus. Besides that, this pandemic also disturbed their plan to build a bigger studio. As a newcomer who begins from zero, starting a company in a pandemic was very risky. They can’t produce profit yet and run the company purely with investors’ money

  1. Too much Intervention in Management System

A company called professional if the command system runs where the upper management makes a general plan and floor it to mid-management. The mid-management will convert a general plan to more specific steps and concepts. Then, they delegate the steps and concept to lower management for testing whether the concept can be run in real condition or not. Ethically, if there are any kind of plan changes from upper management, they must discuss it first with the mid-management. In some conditions, the upper management is able to direct command to lower management. However, based on the “in some condition” statement, this can’t be good if done frequently. It will confuse the lower-management if any sudden plan changes often occur. Unfortunately, this “cut compass” was done by the CEO of Quiby himself, Jeffrey Katzenberg. As stated by an ex-worker of that company where he often got different commands between Jeffrey and other executives. With this kind of unsynchronized management, how can be expected good quality content from it?

  1. Unfocused concept of the Content

In the entertainment sector, before we make some content, we must think first about to whom our content will be delivered. Of course, we must make different concepts when creating content for teenagers and content for 40-50 years old adults because each group has its interest. It is very important to determine this audience specialization because we can create the concept easier and more focused to develop the content quality. After that, we can also calculate the budget to make the contents more careful to take care of the consistency of the contents. However, the management of Quiby didn’t realize their mistakes in making content. They make any kind of concept, widened everywhere without considering what the audience wants. A blurred concept like that will make no interest and impression for people compared to other platforms. Misfocus leads to waste the money they already invest to invite public figures. This unfocus concept was proven by the statement from an ex-worker who expected Quiby would provide news show content but in reality, was a mainstream pop culture entertainment show. 

  1. Bad Marketing

Even if we have good products but we can’t sell them properly, it will be useless. In covid-19 where people must stay at home, they will look for entertainment from their gadget. This can be promised to Quiby for promoting their platform. However, the mistake is they set their platform for pay to watch whereas they only provide short-timed content. Worse, the customer must pay more to remove the advertisement. Compared to other platforms, you can access that kind of content freely. As the audience absolutely will choose free cost if they just want to watch short content. Besides that, they make their platform exclusive so they did not provide a feature to share video clips on other social media. Therefore they already close one of the doors to promote their content.   

Apps and Software Technology

Best Online Video Converter Applications for Android

Do you want to convert videos to an MP3 file? You can do it by using video converter apps. By converting videos to other file formats, you can also reduce the size of the video as well. So that you can save more memory in your smartphone. Among so many video converter apps available out there, here are the best ones that you can use.


You can access the Snappea online YouTube to MP3 320kbps tool on any platform. You can also access it on any famous browser, browse for any YouTube videos you want, and download them as an MP3 file. Since this app is a web-based solution, users do not need to download and install the app to their computers or smartphones to be able to use it. Once you have found the video you want to convert, you can opt for downloading it as an MP3 file or MP4 file.

You also have options for different bit rates, such as 320 kbps, 160 kbps, or 128 kbps. This is why this app is one of the best video converter apps.

MP3 Video Converter

MP3 Video Converter is a video converter app that will make it easy for its users who want to convert videos. This app has a number of features that will definitely be needed for converting videos. MP3 Video Converter is equipped with an MP3 file converter feature and ACC with 2 options, which are bitrate and metadata. It also supports several other file formats, including 3GP, MP4, and FLV. This app is developed by Springwalk and has been downloaded by more than 1 million Android users.

Video to MP3 Converter

If previous video converter apps can convert videos to some other file formats, Video to MP3 Converter focuses on converting videos to only MP3 audio files. This app is developed by accountlab and it guarantees the MP3 audio files converted will surely be high quality. Not only the quality, but the developer also guarantees that this app will quickly convert videos. Are you interested to try this app?

Video Converter Android

The next recommended converter app for Android is Video Converter Android. This app has been downloaded by more than 56,000 Android users. Video Converter Android is not really different from other previous apps mentioned. The feature of this app offers help to convert videos to MP4 files or h.264 files. You can also use this app to convert videos to audio files. It supports almost all file formats, including WEBM, OGG, AVI, ASF, WMV, M4V, M2V, MKV, MPG, and many others.


Not only provides a simple interface that is easy to understand, but VidCompact also offers useful features. With this app, you can convert your videos to MP4 files without any troubles. You will also be able to compress videos or change the size of videos to the size you prefer. You can also copy and cut videos with this app. As you can see, VidCompact is practical and quite equipped.

Video Converter

Video Converter is developed by aKingi. This app has useful features to convert and compress videos you have. It also does not miss easiness and speed. With this app, you will be able to easily and quickly convert or compress your videos. You just need to upload the video you want to convert or compress. Choose the file format and let the app do the rest. There are so many various file formats supported by Video Converter, such as AVI, MP3, MP4, 3GP, WAV, OGG, MPG, WMV, and many others.

The best thing about this Video Converter is it is ads-free. So, you will not get annoyed by ads that surprisingly appear when you are converting your videos.

Audio/Video Converter Android

Last but not least is Audio / Video Converter Android. Just like the name of the application, this application relies on more complete features. You can convert both video files and audio files by using this Audio/Video Converter Android app. Users can enjoy the features to convert files to other file formats, such as AVI, MPG, MP4, FLV, ASF, MKV, and many more. You can also use this app to compress the size of videos.

Those are the recommended video converter apps that you can use to convert video to other files. Most of them might have the same functions and features, but they still have their pros and cons. You can download those apps on Google Play Store. So, which app do you want to use?

Apps and Software Technology

Top YouTube Downloader Apps for PC

It cannot be denied that YouTube is today’s one of the most accessed platforms. Here, you can find a lot of various videos with many various topics. Such as music, tutorials, beauty, gadgets, reviews, sports, cooking, games, and many more. Some people prefer to download YouTube videos due to poor internet connection. So, they can watch the videos offline. In order to watch YouTube videos offline, you need to download them first. And you will need YouTube downloader applications to be able to do so. Below are some recommended YouTube downloader apps for PC.


The first best YouTube downloader app is Snappea. This app is an online, free YouTube downloader that allows you to quickly download all file formats and resolutions. For example, MP4, HD, 480P, 360P, and 240P. It also allows you to download all audio formats, such as MP3 and M4A. You do not have to download the app to your computer because it is an instant downloader. Snappea is user-friendly. Newcomers can also use it to download their favorite videos from some websites.

Jihosoft 4K Video Downloader

Jihosoft 4K Video Downloader is also one of the top YouTube downloader apps out there. With this sophisticated app, you will be able to quickly download videos from YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Naver TV, Reddit, Vimeo, Dailymotion, TED, and other popular websites. You can save the downloaded videos in different resolutions, which are 720P, 1080P, 2K, 4K, and 8K. Besides downloading videos, this app also makes it possible for you to download all YouTube playlists and channels.

What makes this free YouTube downloader app stands out is that you can download subtitles, original audio, and cover videos. This app also has a free video converter feature so that you can convert YouTube videos to MP3 audio.

Gihosoft TubeGet

Gihosoft TubeGet is a portable app that you can use to download videos from YouTube and other video streaming websites. This app is easy and simple. It also has almost all necessary features required by a video downloader. For example, it supports HD and UHD, which are 720P, 1080P, 2K, 4K, and 8K. Gihosoft TubeGet is compatible with Windows and iOS and also integrated into many practical functions.

Gihosoft TubeGet allows you to download all YouTube playlists. Both free and pro versions are available. For the free version, users can download 5 videos per day. YouTube’s algorithm changes regularly. So, the app will update the code accordingly, along with fixing bugs and adding new features.

Free YouTube Download

The next is Free YouTube Download. This app is specifically designed to download videos from YouTube. But it does not mean it cannot download videos from other websites. Similar to other apps, you just need to paste the video link to the app and you can immediately download the video. Free YouTube Download has an auto-download feature that allows users to automatically download videos. Users can download several videos all at once.

This app also has a converter function where you can use it to convert videos to other file formats, such as AVI, MP4, WMV, MKV, MP3, and many others. Free YouTube Download is compatible with both Windows and iOS.

Winx YouTube Downloader

Winx YouTube Downloader has a simple display so that users can easily use it. This app allows you to download videos from more than 40 popular websites. For example, YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, Dailymotion, and many more. This app also allows users to download any video quality provided by the video owner. This means that users can download Full HD 4K videos if provided by the uploader. There is also a video converter that can convert video to other formats and audio.

Airy YouTube Downloader

You can download YouTube videos with just one click by using Airy YouTube Downloader. You can even access it when you are luring or offline. This app can help you to download YouTube videos in various file formats, such as MP4, 4GP, and FLV. It is also compatible with both HD videos and Ultra HD videos and maintains the quality.

In order to download videos, users just need to copy and paste the link to the address bar, choose the video location and resolution, and they will have the video in their device. However, the free version of Airy YouTube Downloader only allows users to download 2 videos for trial. After that, users need to pay to be able to download more videos.

Those are the top YouTube downloader apps that you can try to download YouTube videos.