News Smartphone Technology

Try to Trick Your iOS Group Texts are Worth with a bit of Effort

You may confuse between the holidays, the election, and the need to stay connected with your family and friends virtually during this pandemic. You may find that your group texts have been popping out since they want to get in touch. 

Although this thing can be so fun, group texts on iMessage sometimes get bad feedbacks of the free-wheeling chaos along with nonstop notifications as well. Luckily, there are some Apple’s updates for your group texting over the years,  especially the latest update that can be found in iOS 14. It makes communication sometimes bothersome, but it’s still essential to get better in some most unexpected ways as well. 

So, it is better to spend your time, find out how these new options work, and you can start to apply them in your group text. The messaging features can make your group text less annoying. You should know that the personalization options and new design also can make your whole experience become more fun, and it also promotes the feeling that you are not too far away from your friends or family. 

Threading and Tagging 

So, tagging is the best feature for those who are annoyed most with notifications but do not want to miss something necessary. When you open an info, then you have options to hide it. However, if someone writes a name in the group chat, then that name will turn blue. Click it will give you some options to tag that person as well. Then that person will get notifications that they have mentioned, although the alert is hidden. For those who slack and threading will feel more familiar as well. 

Threading can be used when you are on the group text, and someone asks a question that you want to give a response to. If you press and hold the message, there is an option to replay it. You can write your message. and your text will pop out as the threaded response under the original message. Other people can give a response as well. 

You can start to personalize your chat 

This new update can be your favorite feature. Apple has introduced more ways to personalize your chatting or messaging look. It may not be as crazy as other platforms offer you, such as WhatsApp and Messenger. However, these changes are so useful and meaningful at the same time. 

You may just start to use older options in the messaging, but it makes a difference. Do you know that you can give a name to your group text? Although you can name it with your best friends only a simple one, there is no rule that this name should be permanent or informative. You can use or name it however you are. For example, during the election, your sub-group of some of your friends make a chatting group to share links and journeys in different ways. Of course, you can name it as well. It is a good way to keep organized, however, this is also another way to stay on the same page with many laughs as well. 

The look of group chats, whether you just open the message or see a vertical list of all your chats, and the top part of the specific conversation – this is another opportunity to give you much joy and personality as well. Chats will be represented by a grouping of circles, each circle also represents one member. In default, this circle will turn grey and contain the initials of people as well. Even the size of the circle turns from time to time based on the most and least active members. 

By doing this, all photo collections will be displayed – people will laugh or do whatever in that photo that you choose to represent them. It is at the top of your group chat. Although it is a simple change, just the visual representation in the top part, however, it can make you feel more like texting is about spending the best time with each other. 

There is also an option to apply a photo or emoji to the group chat image. Of course, the photo bubbles will still occur in the chosen group photo, but there is an icon that pops out in the message list rather than small circles only. This feature is quite similar to the group name. It can be more helpful and descriptive. So, there are many ways to make your chatting group feel more joyful, and you get the best quality time with your friends or family as well.

News Technology

Sweet Spot as the Most Precise Position for Atom Qubits in Silicon for Quantum Processor Improvements

A group of researchers from the Center of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology (CQC2T) in cooperation with Silicon Quantum Computing (SQC) has invented the quantum of Sweet Spot. The quantum is to position qubit in silicon to improve the atomic based quantum processor.

Sweet Spot is known to have some benefits in the world of quantum computing. One of them is to make the quantum bit, known also as qubit, to place phosphorus atoms in silicon more precisely. This method is pioneered by the Director of CQC2T, Professor Michelle Simmons. Currently, the method is the leading approach in the world in the area of silicon quantum computer development.

It Develops Stronger Interaction

From the result of the research that has been published in Nature Communications, precise placement is proven to be important to develop a stronger interaction among qubits. Not only is it related to the interaction but uniquely, stronger combinations of qubits also happen with Sweet Spot.

In his statement, Professor Sven Rogge who leads the research said that his team has invented the most optimal position to create interactions between qubits that are stronger, faster, and reproducible. The professor also adds that the strong interaction is needed to engineer a kind of multi-qubit processor. In the end, a functional quantum computer can be created as well.

There is also a term namely the gate of two qubits in the research. It refers to the blocks that arrange the center of a quantum computer. It uses an interaction between a pair of qubits to do the quantum operation. For the atomic qubit in silicon, there has been other research to conduct before that. In the previous research, it is suggested that for a certain position in the silicon crystal, the qubit interaction contains oscillation components to slow down the gate operation as well as to make it more difficult to control.

Prof. Rogge stated still in the interview that in almost two decades, the potency of oscillation characteristics from the interactions has been predicted to turn into further challenges for the improvement.

Now, through the new measurement of the qubit interaction, Prof. Rogge’s team has developed a deeper understanding related to the oscillation characteristics. At the same time, it suggests further placement strategies that are more precise. The strategies are to generate a stronger interaction between qubits. Interestingly, the result is what has been believed by many people to be impossible to happen for a long time.

Figuring Out Sweet Spot in the Crystal Asymmetry

Furthermore, the researchers also state that they currently have found out that placing qubits is very important to create stronger and more consistent interactions. This important view has a significant implication for the big-scale processor design.

The main author of the research, Dr. Benoit Voison, states that silicon itself is a kind of anisotropic crystal. It means that the placement direction of the silicon atom significantly influences the interaction between them. 

Dr. Voison said that his team has acknowledged the anisotropic crystal even before. However, further studies have just been done currently. Besides, there is no other team that has been investigated in detail how the crystal is used optimally to reduce the oscillated interaction strength.

The team also has figured out that there is a special corner, which is later called the sweet spot, in a particular area in the silicon crystal. The sweet spot is where the strongest interaction between qubits is done. More importantly, the sweet spot can be achieved by using a lithography technique namely the scanning tunneling microscope (STM.)

STM to Map the Functions of Atomic Waves

By using STM, the team can do some other actions. One of them is mapping the functions of an atomic wave on the 2D image. Besides, it is also to identify the spatial location right in the silicon crystal. Those functions were firstly shown in 2014, in research published in Nature Materials. It was also filed in one of the Nanotechnology papers in 2016.

In the latest research, the team applies the STM technique to observe the details of atom scales from the interaction between atomic qubits that have been combined. According to Dr. Voisin, by using the technique of quantum imagery, his team is able to observe anisotropy in the wave functions as well as the direct interference in the area. It is basically the starting point to understand how the problem happens.

His team understands that in the beginning, they must know the effects of each material separately. It is before seeing the complete imagery to solve the problem. This is how the team found out the sweet spot that is compatible with the atom placement precision offered by the STM lithography technique.

News Technology

Timnit Gebru: Google Staff Gathers Behind Fired AI Researcher

It is reported that hundreds of Google staff have recently signed a letter supporting a famous Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethics researcher who was fired by Google. The leading ethics researcher is Timnit Gebru. Her position in Google was the co-lead of the Ethical Artificial Intelligence Team. Timnit Gebru was fired after sending an email that accused Google. Her colleagues in the giant IT company have signed a letter accusing that Google is doing censorship and racism.

On the other hand, Twitter users gather together around Dr. Gebru to support her as well by using a hashtag #BelieveBlackWomen. However, Google denies the AI researcher’s version of events. Timnit Gebru is a well-respected AI researcher in the use of artificial intelligence and the field of ethics. She is famous for her work on racial bias in technology. She also has criticized that failure to recognize black faces. Joy Buolamwini, Timni Gebru’s co-author mentioned in one of those well-known papers that Dr. Gebru deserved more from Google.

She says that Google’s credibility can be severely damaged by firing Dr. Gebru for her courage to demand integrity. Joy Buolamwini also adds that we all owe Dr. Gebru a debt for advancing the artificial intelligence field as well as equality with grace and humility.

What Exactly Happened?

Timnit Gebru alleges that she was summoned to a meeting that would discuss a research paper she had co-written when she was about to go on leave. Dr. Gebru mentioned that she was ordered to withdraw the research paper. She was also told that Google was not ready to get involved in a discussion about the matter. After the meeting, Timnit Gebru criticized the decision via an email sent to an internal group called ‘Brain Women and Allies.’ Platformer has published the copy of the email.

Dr. Timnit Gebru started the email by saying that her fellows in the group are not worth having a conversation she would talk about. She also said that members of the group do not have to write their documents anymore because it would not make any difference. Timnit Gebru had sent an email to her management laying out several key requirements to remove her name from the paper. And if they were not met, she would ‘work on the last date’ for her employment.

According to the female AI researcher, Google replied, “We respect your decision to leave Google… and we are accepting your resignation.” Google continued by saying that the end of Dr. Gebru’s employment should happen quicker. The reason is because Google finds that some particular aspects of the email sent by Dr. Gebru to her non-management group reflects behavior that does not meet Google’s manager expectations. This is what is considered as Google fired Dr. Timnit Gebru.

Dr. Gebru disputed whether she had resigned. She tweeted that Jeff Dean, a senior manager at Google who handles AI research, had fired her. She guessed that the management decided for her. The research paper that Dr. Gebru had co-written remains unpublished. However, the MIT Technology Review has summarized the content of the research paper, stating that it focused on the risks of training AI by utilizing huge archives of text data.

How Has the Reaction Been?

The open letter that shows support for Dr. Gebru has attracted almost 2,000 signatories since her dismissal. The signatories are both from within Google and the wider industry. Timnit Gebru said on her Twitter, “It has been very uplifting for me to see.” The news about her dismissal came out on the same day when a US labor agency accused the research giant of illegally firing staff because of their involvement in union activity. Staff at Google who worked with Dr. Gebru have praised her academic contributions as well as her work as a manager.

An AI researcher, Deb Raji said on his Twitter that he cannot count how many times she encouraged them, spoken out for them, and defended them. Deb Raji also tweeted, “She has made real sacrifices for the Black community. Now it’s time to stand with her!”

What Does Google Say?

Jeff Dean mentioned in an email that there had been so many speculations and misunderstandings about the firing incident. Mr. Dean alleged that Timnit Gebru’s research paper was submitted a day before the deadline. So that there was not enough time for Google to review it. He also added that the research paper ignored relevant research.

What do you think about this event?

News Space Technology

Supernova Stars Impacts

There is research from Michigan State University that exploding stars will create faster life-giving carbon atoms. It is faster than what they think first. The discovery brings the scientists to reveal the mystery they leave, related to the elements creation theories, and also new science in fusion and astronomy areas.

Carbon is one of the main elements of Earth. It explodes Supernova stars by creating the triple alphas fusion reaction. The “alpha” means a helium atom core that is created from two neutrons and two protons. When the three elements are fused, you will have carbons that consist of six electrons, six neutrons, and also six protons.

The reaction of the fusion is not that efficient, but there will be something that will help it. The researchers use supercomputer models to see the excess protons in its innermost become a supernova can trigger a triple alphas fusion reaction. The strength is 10 times stronger than the general carbon atoms we have.

This results in the number of carbon in the universe. Yet, for researchers, it leads to another question. They previously think that excess protons were used to create certain heavier molybdenum and ruthenium isotopes that are found on Earth. These elements cannot be created in other places, unless through Supernova, as an MSU professor said.

If it’s not the Supernova stars, the isotopes are then generated from other ways, but they don’t know how yet. They have alternatives, but it’s not easy to come up with one of them and destroy their theories. Thus, this might be the birth of new science.

Supernova Stars Facts

Some stars are not fading, they’re burnt. It ends their evolutions through Supernova, a massive cosmic explosion. When Supernova stars explode, the debris will get into space for around 25,000 miles per second. The blasts are not only produced carbons, but also some other materials like iron that is the component to make us and our planet. And for heavy elements, they are only made in Supernova. Thus, we carry those special elements that can only be produced through the stars’ explosion, in our bodies.

When stars explode, they produce clouds of gas and dust to space, and then to interstellar diversity. In further, the clouds create a shock wave that will compress the clouds of gas to form new stars. Yet, not all stars are formed into Supernova stars. Some are cold and end their lives as black dwarfs or white dwarfs.

Yet, some stars are even larger than the sun. And these kinds of stars will create a Supernova star when the fusion process in the core runs out of their fuel. Fusion will create pressure, and when it slows down, the core of the star will start to condense under the gravity. It will then be hotter and denser.

Impacts of Supernova

When Supernova stars happen, there will be several impacts in space, and also on Earth, if it happens near Earth. It gives us obvious effects on the Earth’s biosphere. Yet, it depends on the energy and type of Supernova you have. Yet, it is interesting that the Supernova explosion can be 3000 light-years away. The Supernova signature was seen on Earth in 1996, in metal isotope form signature. Another finding was reported in the Pacific Ocean.

Supernovae can be dangerous if they explode close to the Earth, it is called Type Ia Supernovae.

This type of Supernova arises from the white dwarf star and can affect the Earth, and the effect on both the star system and the Earth isn’t well studied. The closest star that can be the candidate of Supernova stars is IK Pegasi. And the researchers estimate that there will be Supernova Type II happening if it’s 26 light-years away from the Earth. It can result in the loss of the Earth’s ozone layer. And fortunately, the closest candidate is even more than 500 light-years.

Another impact of the explosion of Supernova stars is gravitational waves. Yet, so far, there is no report about the gravitational waves caused by the Supernova. The only waves that Earth experiences is from the fusion of neutron stars and black holes. Cosmic rays is another impact. Yet, the production of cosmic rays caused by space events was found only in a small number. From the Supernova W44 and IC 443 remnants, gamma rays are detected. The rays exist when the SNR accelerates protons that create effects on interstellar material.

For notes, it is speculative when we talk about the closest candidates to be the next Supernova. Further research to have an exact timescale and mechanism are needed.

Gaming News Technology

The Mystery of the High Cost of PS 5 and Other Game Consoles in the Market

PlayStation’s fans seem to have a dream to buy PlayStation 5. Unfortunately, the price of the PlayStation 5 is expensive. The increase in the price is for both the digital and disc versions. So, how much is the price of PlayStation 5 in the retail and street market? What are the reasons behind the high cost of PlayStation 5 in the market? We have the explanation below. 

The Price of PlayStation 5 

PlayStation launches two versions of the latest console, which are the PlayStation 5 disc version and the PlayStation 5 digital version. The price is different when you buy in the retails and street markets. Based on the latest information the cost of the PlayStation 5 disc version is $499 in the retail. The cost is even expensive in street markets in which it reaches $1.024. How about the price of the PlayStation 5 digital version? It is the same. You can get a new PlayStation 5 digital version for $399 in retail. You even have to spend $990 if you buy this game console in the street market. It means the cost in the street market is $591 higher than the cost in the retail. The cost is including extra games, controllers, or accessories. The high cost of this product even triggers PS 5 owners to sell it online. 

The Comparison Between PS 5 and Other Game Consoles 

How about other game consoles? Is the cost of those consoles also expensive? This phenomenon is not only happening on PlayStation 5 but also on other game consoles including Xbox, Nvidia TRX, and AMD RX. For example, the  Xbox Series X is $499 in retail, whereas the street price reaches up to $835. The Xbox Series S is $299 in the retail and increases drastically in the street market to $471.

There is no significant difference in the Nvidia RTX for PC. The Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti is the cheapest in which the cost is $399, whereas Nvidia RTX 3090 is the most expensive in which the price is $1.499 in the retail. The cost of these products doubled in the market. Let’s say the cost of an Nvidia RTX 3090 is $2.076 in the market, whereas the 3080 version is $1.227 and the 3070 version is $819. The cost of Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti in the market is $675. You have to spend up to $1.232 to buy an AMD RX 6800 XT since the retail cost reaches $649. For a cheaper option, you can use AMD RX 6800 in which cost is $841 in the market and $579 in the retail. The description above concludes that the cost of game consoles has increased significantly from retail. Indeed, they are even more costly in the street markets. 

The Sales of PS 5 in the Online Market 

One of the most reputable online stores can sell up to 1.000 units. It seems that people choose to buy the digital version compared to the disc version. Tragically, there is no selling at all for the disc version. It also happens in the Xbox Series X. Indeed, it is because of the costly price in the market.  In contrast, PC gamers seem happy with the release of the new Nvidia and AMD graphics. Both of the products show good sales in one of the most reputable online stores such as eBay. 

Experts predict that this condition will not stop soon. The high-cost makes these products impossible to buy at the market. On the other hand, some people were disappointed because they failed to buy certain Nvidia RTX versions in the online store. Some experts and gamers predict that it is only a market strategy. This situation happens many times for unknown reasons.  

Things that People Do Dealing with This Condition 

Some PS5 owners decide to sell their consoles due to the high cost. The plan is to earn the money from the sale and get another better option. For example, they may sell their PS5 and get an AMD RX 6800. The problem is that finding the AMD RX series is more difficult than finding a PS5 in the market. It seems that gamers have to think twice before buying or selling their consoles. You have to make sure that you get the best option whether you buy a new console or sell it and get a new one. If it is not, you can only wait until the cost is back to normal so you can buy it and make your dream to play PS5 or other game consoles come true. One thing for sure, gamers are always waiting for the latest improvement from these consoles.           

Mobile News Smartphone Technology

The Special Things about Jio’s Latest Android Smartphone

Indians can use the latest Android phone known as Jio in 2021. Google’s contribution makes this gadget special. Jio and Google are about to offer an affordable 4G Android smartphone in India. The launch of the Android smartphone by Jio and Google gives Indians other options besides gadgets by Realme and Xiaomi. Check the details of this great plan below. 

The Role of Google and Qualcomm Ventures

Google CEO in India Sundar Pichai explains that the collaboration will give a greater impact on the development of the Indian mobile phone. Because of that, Google dares to invest up to Rs. 33,737 for this project. It means Google has a 7.7% stake in this project. It is not only a collaboration between Google and Jio but also Qualcomm Ventures. It boosts the project since Qualcomm Ventures can bring 5G connectivity to India. The latest information explains that Qualcomm will install 5G connectivity in October 2021. There is no complete information yet about this plan. Like Google, Qualcomm Ventures see a big prospect in this project. As a result, this company invests up to $97 million and supports the smartphone with Qualcomm’s chipset.  

About the Latest Android Smartphone by Jio 

Jio has a plan to release its latest Android smartphone in December 2020, but it is postponed until the first quarter of 2021. There are no clear specifications and name of this new Android smartphone. The representation of Jio only describes that the gadget will be a representation of an affordable 4G Android smartphone in India. This company even has a greater plan by developing the internet connectivity into 5G due to its collaboration with Qualcomm Ventures. Nowadays, the phone is still in testing. The company launches the testing version to make sure that Indians are familiar with the development. It is a significant development in India since people can only enjoy 2G connectivity. One thing for sure, it has become one of the smartphones in India with the Google Play Store due to the collaboration between Jio and Google.

The Cost of Jio’s Latest Android Smartphone 

Indians may get curious about the price of Jio’s latest Android smartphone. The representation of the company explains that the cost of this gadget is around Rs 4.000. The cost is cheaper than a 2G feature phone in India. On the other hand, this latest Android smartphone is still expensive compared to Jio Phone 1 and Jio Phone 2. Despite the price, Jio claims that this latest smartphone will be one of the cheapest 4G smartphones in India.      

The Jio’s Plans for Its Latest Android Smartphone 

As one of the cheapest 4G mobile phones in India, Jio expects that people will be attracted to use it. Jio also has to win the competition with RealMe and Xiaomi. These two big smartphone providers have launched affordable Android smartphones in India. Because of that, Jio leverages its product one step higher than its competitor. One of the strategies is by introducing and updating the 4G connectivity into 5G connectivity. 

The company expects that Indians can enjoy a smartphone with 5G connectivity in October 2021. Jio has a plan not only to use the 5G connectivity for its latest smartphone but also over 20 startup partners. The company expects that the use of 5G connectivity can develop technology in India in the area of education, healthcare, agriculture, infrastructure, financial services, and e-commerce. Due to the tight competition, Jio plans to launch the 5G connectivity by Qualcomm Ventures in early 2021. There is a possibility that Jio will provide its 5G services free for several months during the launch period like what the company did with the 4G rollout. But, people only can wait whether this company does it or not. 

Another strategy is by producing the smartphone massively. Jio states that there will be over 200 million smartphone units in India over the next two years. The company uses this strategy to compete with Xiaomi that always produces its smartphone massively in India. Indeed, the collaboration with Google and Qualcomm Ventures becomes one of the most powerful strategies to attract Indians to use Jio Phone. 

The Progress 5G Connectivity 

The use of Jio’s 5G connectivity in its latest Android smartphone seems to be realized soon. This plan involves sophisticated activities. Jio has to upgrade almost all of its 4G towers spread across India. The upgrade process takes a few months or even years. We can’t only wait for the launch of 5G connectivity in 2021, along with the release of Jio’s latest Android smartphone. 

Apps and Software News Technology

5 Reasons Why Quiby Fail

Technology, especially smartphones nowadays already are daily food which is “edible” for any kind of group from children, teenagers, to adults. You can access any kind of information and entertainment just by touching the 2 inches monitor anywhere and anytime. Because of this fact, many kinds of entertainment industries including those who already have a channel on television begin to develop their platform for smartphone application. For example, Netflix, youtube, BBC, and even Disney which are classified as the giant industry in the entertainment field already do it. So does the newcomer company called Quiby to want, follow their way of success. This company already spent $ to develop this platform for providing short-timed streaming content and features where we can watch their contents from landscape or portrait position in full-screen mode. However, as we know expectation does not often get along with reality. After struggling for 6-8 months, this company falls to bankruptcy. Why did this failure happen? Here are the reasons :

  1. Bad Timing to Start

Quiby began to make their contents 1 week before New York shut down because of Covid-19. Of course, it would limit their own space and movement to content making based on government rule for preventing more transmission of that virus. Besides that, this pandemic also disturbed their plan to build a bigger studio. As a newcomer who begins from zero, starting a company in a pandemic was very risky. They can’t produce profit yet and run the company purely with investors’ money

  1. Too much Intervention in Management System

A company called professional if the command system runs where the upper management makes a general plan and floor it to mid-management. The mid-management will convert a general plan to more specific steps and concepts. Then, they delegate the steps and concept to lower management for testing whether the concept can be run in real condition or not. Ethically, if there are any kind of plan changes from upper management, they must discuss it first with the mid-management. In some conditions, the upper management is able to direct command to lower management. However, based on the “in some condition” statement, this can’t be good if done frequently. It will confuse the lower-management if any sudden plan changes often occur. Unfortunately, this “cut compass” was done by the CEO of Quiby himself, Jeffrey Katzenberg. As stated by an ex-worker of that company where he often got different commands between Jeffrey and other executives. With this kind of unsynchronized management, how can be expected good quality content from it?

  1. Unfocused concept of the Content

In the entertainment sector, before we make some content, we must think first about to whom our content will be delivered. Of course, we must make different concepts when creating content for teenagers and content for 40-50 years old adults because each group has its interest. It is very important to determine this audience specialization because we can create the concept easier and more focused to develop the content quality. After that, we can also calculate the budget to make the contents more careful to take care of the consistency of the contents. However, the management of Quiby didn’t realize their mistakes in making content. They make any kind of concept, widened everywhere without considering what the audience wants. A blurred concept like that will make no interest and impression for people compared to other platforms. Misfocus leads to waste the money they already invest to invite public figures. This unfocus concept was proven by the statement from an ex-worker who expected Quiby would provide news show content but in reality, was a mainstream pop culture entertainment show. 

  1. Bad Marketing

Even if we have good products but we can’t sell them properly, it will be useless. In covid-19 where people must stay at home, they will look for entertainment from their gadget. This can be promised to Quiby for promoting their platform. However, the mistake is they set their platform for pay to watch whereas they only provide short-timed content. Worse, the customer must pay more to remove the advertisement. Compared to other platforms, you can access that kind of content freely. As the audience absolutely will choose free cost if they just want to watch short content. Besides that, they make their platform exclusive so they did not provide a feature to share video clips on other social media. Therefore they already close one of the doors to promote their content.   

Mobile News Technology

Apple Continues to Develop Devices with Augmented Reality Technology

Apple always creates innovations and produces cool devices. One of the latest examples is the use of AR or Augmented Reality on the iPhone. Augmented Reality is not a new technology for this company. Apple started to use AR technology in 2017 for virtual IKEA furniture and Pokemon Go Battles. This company even has an iPhone 12 Pro that can be used to scan fire hydrants, map house interiors, and navigate lava rivers on the floors. Learn the way Apple uses AR to improve the capability of their gadgets. 

The Use of A Sophisticated Sensor 

Apple uses a sophisticated sensor known as the lidar sensor. They install this sensor on the latest iPhones and iPads to improve the capability of these two gadgets in which both of them have an advanced 3D-scanning feature. For example, the iPhone uses this technology, and this gadget can recognize floors by using the motion sensors and camera on the phone. The sensor works by using invisible infrared lasers on the rear cameras. This laser can map a dimension in 3D, including 3D objects, rooms, and even people. 

The Use of The Scanner Feature on the Device

Mike Rockwell, the head of Apple’s AR and Allessandra McGinnis, the senior manager for Augmented Reality explain that Apple uses the scanner feature on their devices to make everything work better. The company has to follow the latest ecosystem to win the competition. Let say this technology works in the COVID-19 pandemic where people are not allowed to go outside. Imagine that people use AR tools from their gadgets and do home shopping. Users can buy anything they need by feeling the sensation of seeing the products in 3D and not only the images. This technology even works for the blind and partially sighted on the people-detection side. A specific business, such as an art business feels the benefits of AR. The company creates an exhibition in real-world locations without revealing the art. All people have to do is enjoy the art show and exhibition by using AR technology. Apple also has Location Anchors that can be the next level of GPS technology. This feature helps its users to get a specific location in a more realistic image with a good accuracy level. 

The Things that Apple Has Done 

Apple has done several things related to the use of AR technology. Let say Apple cooperates with Adobe to develop a tool known as AR creative appl Aero for Apple iOS. This company also has its products such as iPhone 12 Pro that uses AR technology to scan objects in 3D. Photographers can also use this feature to improve focus when they have to take pictures in low-light areas. Before that, Apple also developed iPhone 8 that uses motion sensors and built-in cameras to recognize specific objects such as floors, walls, and people. Another product that uses AR technology by Apple is iOS 14.2 in which it uses a lidar sensor to recognize distances from people and for vision assistance. Apple also successfully developed App Clips in iOS 14. It is a small micro-app in an iPhone without downloading anything. Users can use App Clips in the real world. All you have to do is scan or tap it on the screen and the AR feature directs you to go to the place you have scanned. It is an impressive feature for a virtual menu, art exhibitions, or museum exhibitions. Imagine that you see nothing in a specific location, but once you use the AR feature, you will see something spectacular that you may never imagine before.    

The Goals of Developing Devices with Augmented Reality

Indeed, Apple doesn’t want to stop the innovations only on the 3D scanning feature. It seems that this company wants to improve the feature from a 3D scanning feature only into a 3D scanning feature with sound. They want to share a scanning device that helps its users maximally. The most important thing is that users can bring it anywhere and use it anywhere they want. The company even has a dream that people will use AR technology in mobile devices like when they use the internet in a few years from now. In that year, people will get used to it and feel that they can’t live without mobile devices with AR features. The idea is that Apple seems to have a mobile device that gives benefits more than just a smartphone device. This device can scan something and bring users to a virtual world that they want to explore or know before doing further actions.